Internship Coordinator: Dr. Coreen Jackson
Instructor: Dr. Coreen Jackson Office: Performing Arts Building Rm. 214
Phone: 963- 1546 Office Hours: Mon. 10:05-12:35, Wed. 10:15-11:15,
Email: cjackson7@tnstate.edu 1:00-1:30, Fri.10:05-1:35 or by Appointment
Class Time: 12:40-1:35
Class Location: PSAB Rm. 140
Internship program between TSU and local media, communications, and theatre agencies, in which students undertake various duties. Specific internships available change from semester to semester. Open to students in all areas of the Department. May be taken three times for credit but no more than twice in the same job assignment area." (Catalog 2005-2007)
This course is for juniors and seniors who wish to gain practical, curriculum-related experience in any area of communications. It satisfies the Mass Communication Emphasis practicum requirement.
COURSE Prerequisites:
Permission of instructor, plus junior or senior standing, a 2.5 or better cumulative grade point average (or 2.8 or better for the two prior regular [fall and spring] semesters), and two specified upper-division courses in the area of the internship. These are COMM 3600 and COMM 3640 for electronic media, COMM 3011 and COMM 3020 for print media, any two junior-senior level Theatre or Speech courses, respectively, for those areas. Since interns go out with TSU's name and reputation behind them, the instructor has the right to refuse admission to the class to any student. This course is not open to students we do not know.
Policy Statement
All internships are subject to approval by the Internship Coordinator or the Department Head. Students are required to get approval of their internship before they start. Because the internship course requires students to get professional experience off campus, no on campus internship will be permitted except for University Public Relations and Sports Broadcasting with the Athletics Department. WTST radio is a laboratory experience and will not be utilized as a substitute for internship.
Internship practicum experience serves four purposes:
1. Gives you an opportunity to explore various career possibilities in mass communication
2. Building on classroom knowledge, gives you an opportunity to learn those disciplines, skills and
attitudes which can best or only be learned on the job, especially self-discipline, teamwork,
responsibility, and initiative
3. Further develops practical skills in a real-world context
4. Provides an opportunity to strengthen your portfolio or resume tape with practical experience and projects.
5. Provides a learning experience for the student, and can lead to entry level job opportunities within the
Course Structure
1) You will spend most of your time on the job at your internship location.
2) You will write weekly reports, and the class will gather regularly to share experiences and discuss any problems.
3) You will write a final report and present a summary oral report at the end of the semester.
4) We have a bi-weekly class period scheduled and available on Mondays at 12:40-1:35.
5) Your weekly reports are due in each scheduled class meeting.
6) Your final written reports, and portfolios, if applicable, are due in by Monday, December 7 th at 12:40 p.m.
7) Oral Presentations will be given on December 14 th .
Course Policies and Requirements
Submit the following documents before beginning your internship,:
1) Intern Information Form (you fill out and submit),
2) Agreement to Accept Intern (your supervisor fills out and submits), and a
3) Learning Objectives Agreement, signed by both you and your supervisor. The Learning
Objectives Agreement also requires my approval.
4) A minimum of 150 clock hours must be accumulated on your internship during the semester. This is an average of about ten hours per week, finishing before final exam week. If you complete less than 150 hours, the 300 points for the supervisor's evaluation and learning objectives will be pro-rated proportionately.
5) Finalize a work schedule with your supervisor.
6) Attach time sheets to your weekly reports.
7) Perform well on the job. The Internship supervisor can fire any intern who is not performing satisfactorily or who is causing problems. If this occurs, the intern's grade will be an F. Internships that do not work out for reasons beyond the control of the intern will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
Weekly Reports
Weekly reports must be typed, edited and proofread, and typically run a couple of pages, double-spaced.
1) Describe what you did that week. If you are having any problems or have any questions please share that with your instructor and or supervisor.
2) Discuss what skills and knowledge you were developing.
3) Reports are due by Monday12:40 p.m. every two weeks.
4) Only one report may be submitted up to one week late without penalty; after that there is penalty of two points for one week's lateness, four points for more than a week's lateness. There is also a penalty of three points if the time sheet is not attached.
Final Report & Portfolio
1) You will submit a final report, three to four pages (typed, double-spaced, edited and proofread) reflecting on what you learned and gained (and perhaps what you expected to learn, but did not) from your internship.
2) Submit copies of portfolio materials copy/stories written, video- or audiotapes, etc. Video must be submitted on VHS, Mini-DV, or DVD. The final report and portfolio are due by Monday, December 7 at 12:40p.m.
1) Class attendance is required; class participation counts as part of your grade, and you are responsible for everything that goes on in class, whether or not you are present.
2) Attendance to your internship site is mandatory.
3) Avoid lateness and unexcused absences. Please inform your supervisor if you are going to be absent. Treat your Internship like a job.
4) Conduct yourself in a professional manner.
1) Grading is on the point system. Grading is based on 570 points for the semester.
2) Save all returned work and include them in your portfolio.
3) Your internship supervisor will submit evaluations at midterm and the end of the semester.
Assigned Points:
Supervisor's Midterm & final evaluations = 300 points
Achievement of your agreed learning objectives = 20 points
13 Weekly reports (10 points each) = 130 points
Class attendance & participation = 10 points
Final reports (written and oral) = 50 points
Portfolio = 50 points
Total 570 points
Academic Integrity
You must do your own work; grading is on the basis of the work you do. Plagiarism, cheating, and other violations of academic integrity, is spelled out in your TSU Student Handbook, will earn a grade of zero for that assignment. Sharing work or otherwise assisting another student in violating the standards of academic integrity will likewise earn a grade of zero for that assignment. Two such violations in the semester will result in a grade of F for the semester.
Internship COMM 3950
Intern Information Form
Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Local/Campus Address _____________________________________________________
Local/Campus Phone(s) ______________________________________________________
Home Address _____________________________________________________________
Home Phone _______________________________________________________________
e-mail address _____________________________________________________________
Internship Location ________________________________________________________
Supervisor ________________________________________________________________
Supervisor's Phone ____________________________________________
Supervisor's e-mail ____________________________________________
Monday _____________________________
Tuesday _____________________________
Wednesday ___________________________
Thursday _____________________________
Friday _______________________________
Saturday _____________________________
Sunday ______________________________
Internship Information
Tennessee State University Department of Communications
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Coreen Jackson
Dept. of Communications, Tennessee State Univ., 3500 John A. Merritt Blvd, Nashville, TN 37209 Phone (615) 963-1546; e-mail cjackson7@tnstate.edu
Objectives of the Internship Course
Internship practicum experience serves four purposes:
1. Gives students an opportunity to explore career possibilities in communication
2. Building on classroom knowledge, gives students an opportunity to learn the disciplines, skills and attitudes which can best or only be learned on the job, especially self-discipline, teamwork, responsibility, and initiative
3. Lets students further develop practical skills in a real-world context
4. Provides students an opportunity to strengthen their portfolios or tapes with practical experience and additional projects.
Internship Course Policies and Requirements
This course is open to juniors and seniors who have at least a 2.5 grade-point average and the basic courses in the area of internship. These are usually Broadcasting in America and Radio-Television Production, or Survey of Journalism and Newswriting. Students in Theatre or Speech must have two junior level courses appropriate to those areas. The instructor reserves the right to refuse admission to the class to any student, and this course is not open to students whom we do not know.
Interns must accumulate a minimum of 150 clock hours on their internships during the semester. This is an average of about 10 hours per week, finishing before final exam week. An intern's total work hours plus other requirements add up to about the normal amount of time a student would spend attending and studying for any other three-semester-hour course. Interns are expected to keep a schedule agreed upon between the supervisor and the intern. Interns' time sheets, signed by the supervisor, must be attached to their weekly reports.
Internship supervisors have the right to any intern who is not performing satisfactorily or who is causing problems. Internships that do not work out for reasons beyond the control of the intern will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
Interns submit weekly written reports telling me what they did that week, if they are having any problems or have any questions, and generally what skills and knowledge they are developing. At the end of the semester interns submit final reports, reflecting on what they learned and gained from their internships. In addition, interns submit copies of portfolio materials, copy/stories written, video- or audiotapes, etc.
The internship supervisor is expected to submit an evaluation at the end of the semester, and to contact me if there are any problems. Supervisors' evaluations count 35% of interns' grades. A sample of the evaluation form is on the back of this page. Evaluation of achievement of the agreed learning objectives (35% of the interns grade), is done jointly by the supervisor and the instructor.
Intern's Midterm Evaluation by Supervisor
Tennessee State University Department of Communications
Name of intern: _____________________________ Date: _________________
Name of supervisor (please print or type): _________________________________
Title of supervisor:_______________________________________________
Company or agency : ________________________________________________
Signature of supervisor: ______________________________________________
Supervisor's evaluation counts 35% of intern's grade.
(Scale: Excellent =20 pts., Good = 15 pts., Average = 10 pts., Fair =5 pts., Poor = 0 pts.)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Quality of work . . . . . . . . . . . ____ excellent ____ good ____ average ____ fair ____ poor
Quantity of work . . . . . . . . . . ____ excellent ____ good ____ average ____ fair ____ poor
Initiative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____ excellent ____ good ____ average ____ fair ____ poor
Professional attitude . . . . . . . ____ excellent ____ good ____ average ____ fair ____ poor
Attendance & punctuality . . . . . ____ excellent ____ good ____ average ____ fair ____ poor
Interpersonal . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____ excellent ____ good ____ average ____ fair ____ poor
(Gets along well with employees and supervisor)
Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____ excellent ____ good ____ average ____ fair ____ poor
(Is developing skills or gaining knowledge rapidly; takes advantage of opportunities to practice skills and learn about the profession and the field)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thank you. Dr. Coreen Jackson, Internship Instructor
Dept. of Communications, Tennessee State University, 3500 John A. Merritt Blvd., Nashville, TN 37209 Telephone (615) 963-1546, FAX (615) 963-5805, e-mail cjackson7@tnstate.edu
Intern's Final Evaluation by Supervisor
Tennessee State University Department of Communications
Name of intern: _____________________________ Date: _________________
Name of supervisor (please print or type): _________________________________
Title of supervisor:_______________________________________________
Company or agency : ________________________________________________
Signature of supervisor: ______________________________________________
Supervisor's evaluation counts 35% of intern's grade.
(Scale: Excellent =20 pts., Good = 15 pts., Average = 10 pts., Fair =5 pts., Poor = 0 pts.)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Quality of work . . . . . . . . . . . ____ excellent ____ good ____ average ____ fair ____ poor
Quantity of work . . . . . . . . . . ____ excellent ____ good ____ average ____ fair ____ poor
Initiative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____ excellent ____ good ____ average ____ fair ____ poor
Professional attitude . . . . . . . ____ excellent ____ good ____ average ____ fair ____ poor
Attendance & punctuality . . . . . ____ excellent ____ good ____ average ____ fair ____ poor
Interpersonal . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____ excellent ____ good ____ average ____ fair ____ poor
(Gets along well with employees and supervisor)
Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____ excellent ____ good ____ average ____ fair ____ poor
(Is developing skills or gaining knowledge rapidly; takes advantage of opportunities to practice skills and learn about the profession and the field)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thank you. Dr. Coreen Jackson, Internship Instructor
Dept. of Communications, Tennessee State University, 3500 John A. Merritt Blvd., Nashville, TN 37209 Telephone (615) 963-1546, FAX (615) 963-5805, e-mail cjackson7@tnstate.edu
Agreement to Accept Intern
Tennessee State University
Intern Supervisor:
Please fill out this form and mail it back to: (or fax to 615-963-5805)
Dr. Coreen Jackson, Internship Instructor
Dept. of Communications
Tennessee State University
3500 John A. Merritt Blvd.
Nashville, TN 37209
____________________________________________________ (name of company or organization)
accepts ____________________________________________ (name of intern)
as an intern for the Fall, Semester, 2009. This intern will be working in the
____________________________________________________ (name of department).
We understand that this student will receive three semester-hours of academic credit from Tennessee State University via enrollment in COMM 3950, (formerly COMM 4420) Internship, and that our evaluation of the intern, plus the intern's successful achievement of the agreed learning objectives, counts 70% of the intern's grade. We further understand that we can terminate this internship at any time by notifying the intern, if possible, and the Internship instructor, Dr. Coreen Jackson (615-963-1546 or cjackson7@tnstate.edu).
We have received from the intern or the instructor an Internship Information page and a sample copy of the Intern Evaluation by Supervisor form (on the back of the Internship Information sheet). We have also agreed with the intern and instructor, or will do so by the beginning of the semester, on the intern's learning objectives for the semester. We will schedule the intern for a minimum of 150 clock hours during the course of the semester.
________________________________________________________ (name and title of supervisor)
________________________________________________________ (address)
________________________________________________________ (telephone number)
________________________________________________________ (e-mail)
Signed, _________________________________________________
Internship Learning Objectives Agreement
Tennessee State University
Interns' payback for the time, effort, and tuition dollars they invest in their internships is the professional knowledge and skills they gain from the experience. An internship can be considered a success only if the intern comes out of the internship substantially better prepared for an entry-level, professional job in the field. While it is normal for interns to do a certain amount of clerical work and "gofering" (as we all do), we have to be able to hold the intern accountable for substantial, professional-level learning achievements.
To that end, we ask that each intern and supervisor meet at or before the beginning of the semester to agree on a list of learning objectives for that intern a Learning Objectives Agreement. Each objective should tell how the accomplishment of that objective will be documented, and should indicate how that achievement will be evaluated. The supervisor and intern should both sign this document, with a copy to the instructor, who must also approve the agreement. When possible, the exhibits and perhaps the evaluations should be able to serve as portfolio material for the intern.
Learning objectives will, of course, depend on the area of the internship and the interests of the intern. The professional skills needed for an entry-level position in the department of internship are very appropriate as learning objectives. Professional contacts (networking) is also an appropriate objective in some cases. Clerical skills (e.g., learning to operate a fax machine, learning Microsoft Word or Excel, or compiling mailing lists) may be involved in the internship but are not appropriate for learning objectives. While clerical skills are not appropriate objectives, larger tasks which require these skills may be legitimate objectives, for example, preparing a sales presentation using PowerPoint.
Evaluations may be quantitative (intern will do x number of ... at a professionally-acceptable level of quality) or qualitative, or both. For qualitative evaluations, a summary of the supervisor's, or other appropriate professional's, evaluation is acceptable. The intern can type up the summary for the evaluator's signature.
Examples of Learning Objectives (All taken from recent intern accomplishments.)
Objective: [The Intern will] Learn to write effective news releases
Exhibit: A minimum of five news releases, as distributed
Evaluation: Summaries of supervisor's evaluations
Bonus: Clips of stories published from news releases
Objective: Be able to floor manage a daily talk show successfully
Exhibit: Credits, or letter from supervisor listing shows floor managed
Evaluation: Shows ran smoothly, as certified by supervisor or director
Objective: Learn to research, propose, organize and present a promotional event for a radio station
Exhibit: Notebook including research materials, proposal, planning materials, etc.
Evaluation: Summary of supervisor's evaluation
Objective: Learn to prepare one-sheets (for sales proposals)
Exhibit: Five or more one-sheets
Evaluation: At least five one-sheets will be used in sales presentations
Objective: Intern will meet and talk with at least 15 professionals in the area of the internship
Exhibit: Business cards and summaries of conversations
Evaluation: Intern will present at least 15 business cards and summaries of conversations.